Our free news feed (M4 Memo) and the paid membership (M4 Insider) were created by two full-time successful high-yield investors and passive-income enthusiasts.
But, together with our behind-the-scenes “braintrust” network, we’re a combination of passive-income researchers, alternative-investment investors, and financial journalists who challenge conventional wisdom and refuse to support the status quo.
We eat, sleep, and breathe the quest for finding off-the-beaten-path methods of growing our money. We find what works for us, and we then share it with our WV members.
Simply because we’re obsessed with sharing what we know!
We started out, like so many others, ONLY relying on cash flow and increased income through product sales, recruitment-based programs, and other endeavors that require ‘hands on’ involvement and ongoing time.
So, over ten years ago, we set out on a quest to learn how to use money to MAKE MONEY… growing money through safe, little-known investments that produce high returns, and that seemingly only the very well-connected or elite would have access to.
We knew right out of the investing gate that the crowd (the herd, the masses, or the general public) does the same thing. They search for guarantees, trust in mainstream financial TV outlets, and are content with the measly 3% to 7% annual returns offered by standard Wall Street investment opportunities.
Not us!
Knowing about coveted, “hush-hush” money and wealth-building resources and techniques all starts with grasping that, of course, there has to be a minority of people ‘out there’ doing outstanding things with their money. It’s just math.
So, it reasons to stand that you’ve got to sift out the off-the-beaten-path progressive companies and contacts that will welcome you into their world.
This is where our Wealth Vault, and its team of “investment investigators,” comes in. You can piggyback off our research and Rolodex as we continually “vet” new deals, opportunities, and hands-off automated income streams for you.
Going along with the crowd simply isn’t an option, if you want access to private, anonymous, and completely unique (and legal) ways to make extraordinary amounts of money.
When it comes to how we invest, we’re like free-range chickens. We’re not boxed in and prefer to speculate on a wide variety of uncommon investment vehicles and asset classes including: Obscure ETFs, small cap companies, resource stocks, managed forex, futures & options, sports arbitrage, and other “renegade” type money-growing ideas.
Our intention is to share everything we know about how to make uncommon high returns, with minimized risks, in the world of alternative investing.
And, we continue to offer honest value, legitimate due diligence, and critical commentary about “wealth generation,” “income opportunities,” “investment programs,” etc. while we keep things real and genuine.
Are you really full-time investors?
We wouldn’t kid ya… we are!
However, we still prefer the term competent speculator.
Do you let politics affect what you research and list?
The uniqueness of M4 Insider is in being a private listing of usable ideas and actionable opportunities. We’re in the business of PEOPLE, not politics.
Being immersed in the latter would naturally gravitate us toward limitation, anxiety, and fear. The former brings about possibilities, confidence, and the courage to take a chance on the value that life (as expressed through people) has to offer.
Right-minded, possibility-thinking PEOPLE run companies, solve problems, sell things, and produce greater returns for those around them. The movie Atlas Shrugged makes that evidently clear when you watch it.
So while we do occasionally share research and resources that show political incompetence in action, as well as other related stupid human tricks that stall out initiative, value, and achievement, we don’t let politics turn us into Chicken Little investors.
See the answer to the next question FAQ.
What is a Chicken Little Investor?
It’s somebody who spends a majority of their time and energy reveling in the so-called pending doom, and prognosticating “destruction of the dollar” and “death of America” noise perpetuated by overzealous marketers and ivory-tower financial types.
As pointed out by Brad, via this letter, we’re not saying to ignore government meddling and over-regulating, anti-success actions.
What we are saying, however, is that if you let the pessimism over-shadow your psyche, and continually fear what may one day happen, you’ll always have your money in ‘lock down’ or ‘preservation’ mode.
Our core philosophy around here goes something like this: the more we attempt to think we know about the direction of any market, including riding any seemingly easy ideological bandwagon (like the coming demise of the world’s super-power, or the value of any particular fiat currency, or generally looking with conviction into any flawed crystal ball), the less we end up earning nice ROIs.
For example: while it DOES seem incredibly purposeful and idealistic to talk about how paper assets (think certain ETFs) just recycle, move around useless money, or are the tools for the political/Wall-Street cartel, keep something in mind:
You can take such worst case scenarios and shun away such flexible and profitable IVs (due to non-guaranteed outcomes, driven via fear), or you can allow your digital (fiat, backed by nothing) currency to go to work for you.
‘Cause, in the end, it (digital investable cash) is still the FOUNDATIONAL vehicle to grow nothing into something. And, when you get more somethings, you then can take them and buy real assets with them.
For more, read “Why you should be ‘okay’ with holding cash in dollars.”
Yup, we sure do:
“Life is NOT a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘WOW — What a Ride!’” – Robert Wickman
* * *
As a second favorite, we seem to resonate with this too:
‘If you want the ultimate, you’ve got to be willing to pay the ultimate price. It’s not tragic to die doing what you love’. “It’s not neccesarily about the big waterfalls and putting everything at risk. It’s about living the different life. Living the real life.”
– The Character Bodhi, in the movie Point Break and Rafa Ortiz,
who intentionally plunged his kayak 128 feet down Big Banana Falls in Mexico
( Click for bigger view )
What song best represents how you think?
Glad you asked…
At the end of 2010, Pink wrote an anthem to nonconformity; an ode to society’s outcasts, weirdos, mavericks and renegades.
We’re not saying we’re weird or anything. But, certainly, when it comes to provoking thought, questioning statist beliefs, and pushing the boundaries, we can hold our own.
If you want to be somebody who achieves greater returns in life, not just investing, you DO have to learn to swim against the flow of the cultural norm.
Pinks’ song may not be the best one to portray the above thinking, but we like it for now
“Raise Your Glass” can be heard and seen here…
P.S. A hearty salute to Roy H. Williams for being a tireless champion for creating change-makers.
It’s the private place – a members-only secure online vault – where we deliver and archive our premium research.
M4i is an “investments research” membership club that essentially acts as an ongoing ROLODEX of unique and uncommon investment vehicles, tools, resources, ideas, and contacts the public-at-large is rarely privy to.
We specialize in sifting out and doing due diligence on alternative investments – those that offer higher rewards, higher yields, and higher risks.
We also spend time finding and writing about resources, tools, and contacts that fall under a traditional asset class umbrella… if, and only if, what we come across helps our members gain a significant edge or has proven to provide abnormally positive RESULTS.
Please view the Wealth Vault FAQ Page for more Q&As…
Have a question not answered here? For your convenience, you may use the Contact Us button on the left side of this website.