If there was an appropriate sub-title to our hot-off-the-press new screencast-chat, it’s this:
The Legend of Automated Money.
Yeah, nice. As a creative, I like that. Nice ring to it.
Yet, sincerely, its what we all know, intuitively, can just be a mythical quest… IF we don’t have a realistic plan of action to cross back ‘n forth between High-ROT (return of time) activities and Higher-ROI (return on investment) vehicles; two mutually-inclusive avenues that need to be properly addressed and dug into a bit.
That is precisely what we did (click the image to dive in):
I encourage you to not just breeze by this; but pre-plan and set-aside some focused time to watch & listen with an open mind.
And, if you’re the ambitious, curious, sharing kinda human (I bet ya are); you can give us feedback below the presentation…