Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Ugly Truth About Business Opportunities
Chapter 3: Dead Downlines Don’t Lie
Chapter 4: The Customer Vs. Recruiting Model
Chapter 5: A Home-Based Business Model For The 21st Century
Chapter 6: Putting The Power of The Media to Work For You
Chapter 7: Scientifically Validated Products
Chapter 8: Two Innovative Ways to Earn
Chapter 9: Bringing it All Together
As you’re probably aware, there are thousands of home-based businesses to choose from these days. However, each and every one of these businesses have several things in common…They all need customers and business builders to keep their company growing and moving forward.These companies also share the same problem when it comes to getting new customers and business builders to sign up.The same question always seems to come up: “Where do I get my customers from, and where do I find new potential business builders to help me expand my business?”
In most cases, the answer to this question tends to be the same: “Contact your family, friends and co-workers, and introduce them to the product or service that you represent.Better yet, host a home party! Invite folks over to your house and introduce to them to your company and the products”.This, of course, is usually all met with lots of skepticism since most people have already burned bridges with their “warm market”.
They don’t have an interest in bugging their friends and family, or inviting strangers into their homes.This brings us to another fundamental flaw…70+ years of history reveals that a traditional MLM organization consists of roughly 99% distributorslooking to make extra income, and only about 1% that may be real consumers (customers that buy the products without an interest in making money). BIG difference.
In most cases, their only customers tend to be DISTRIBUTORS who only buy products to stay active and qualify for commissions. In other words, MLM organizations tend to have lots of distributors, but very few genuine customers.They’re selling the potential for profits rather than products. And, the all-important practice of retailing product has become taboo, putting 90% or more of the focus and attention of the business on recruiting instead of customer acquisition, which is where the long-term stable money is made.For better or for worse, the new reality of network marketing is that true success and personal wealth comes from a CUSTOMER-BASED, not a DISTRIBUTOR-BASED system. This simple fact eliminates roughly 99% of MLM opportunities available today, and tomorrow.By the way, the FTC loves to pick on (shut down) companies that are primarily focused on recruiting new distributors and reps, instead of retailing product.Many distributors program hop from company to company when they don’t get into profit fast enough, attrition kicks in, and there goes all your hard work down the drain. Once your distributors quit, they usually cancel their monthly autoship order, so there goes your customers, too – Ouch!The idea of “do it once and get paid for life” has been nothing more than an empty a pipe dream for most people in the home business industry.Can you see why the traditional MLM business model is fundamentally flawed?
True and lasting residual income is created ONE WAY and one way only:Through customer acquisition and customer retention.At the end of the day, it’s real customers reordering a consumable product that makes building long-term residual wealth even possible.Okay, so if the traditional MLM business model is broken, then what’s the solution?That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?There’s no right or wrong answer. I guess it really all depends on what you personally want out of a business, and whether you’re willing to deal with all the challenges that I’ve just described.Now, I’m not personally knocking anyone who’s actively involved in building a traditional MLM business.Again, there may be that rare 1 in 1000 exception that can recruit a small army and build a downline that lasts for more than a few years before completely shriveling up due to massive attrition…However, for the rest of us, the idea of having to start from scratch and build a new business every 9 – 24 months just seems ridiculous to me… which is why I got off that time & money-wasting merry-go-round a long time ago.The little-known business model I’m going to introduce you to is easily 25 times more powerful than MLM and Network Marketing. And, the best part is, it was designed for people who don’t like to sell. It will help you avoid the frustration and stress of jumping from one program to another, the attrition, the baby-sitting adult children who never do anything, or having to deal with broke tire-kickers who think that $300 to start a business is too much money.It’s one of the few remaining places within the home business industry where true walk away residual income actually exists. Welcome to the END of old-fashioned and outdated opportunities, and the beginning of a home-based business model for the 21st century…